Monday, January 17, 2011

I woke up this morning and laughed...

(.. I thot, "How can I have Cervical Dystonia... since I'm pretty darn sure I don't have a cervix!" For those of you who flunked Human Anatomy, a cervix is definitely NOT a part of the male anatomy.)

I'm feeling a little better this morning... definitely not going to lift anything heavy (or try to remember not to) but I am encouraged that Cervical Dystonia ("Cervical" meaning serious pain in the neck/shoulders region of a guy or a gal) is often relieved with DBS surgery, which I'm hoping to have done in March.  My "suffering" is really quite a light case, not worthy of much fanfare or praise... a mere "sniffle" in the scope of human trials.

 Lauren, 14, Taeryn, 7, and Karson, 5
lost their father to a drunk driver at Christmas

Recently, my sister Dawna (who is one of my heroes... read her fist fight with MS here) shared the following link about another family in their church. The Berg's, coming back from their Christmas vacation, were struck head on by a drunk driver. The dad, Myron Berg, died at the scene.

Grab a box of tissues if you're a girl... or, if you're a guy, grab yourself your preferred beverage (cuz real men don't cry, right?) and read about the Berg family accident here, then here to meet Gillian Berg... it's a tremendous journal of hope-filled words in the midst of true, catestrophic pain... it's an amazing testimony.  To myself (and other swimmers like me), Gillian Berg is proving her worth as an advanced life-saver in God's Pool of Suffering (while I struggle to learn how to float.) 

THANK YOU FOR STANDING IN THE GAP IN PRAYER FOR ME!  Since I'm the proud owner of Cervical Dystonia, I'll grab some tissues AND MY FAVORITE BEVERAGE and read more of Gillian's Blog right now... Dorrie says she read some good stuff there on overcoming fear... 

Say, not that I'm worried... but it's not possible for a guy to get Cervical Cancer of the neck, is it?  ;-)


  1. Ok...I'm grabbing the kleenex and am off to read Gillian's blog...and by the way. I'm so happy you are feeling better.
    Praying always,

  2. Sure, make me cry by the "heroes" comment and then laughing with your last "cervical" comment. You always know how to lift my spirits!

  3. the Berg's are a very special family and so strong. I admire them all. It was concluded that the guy was drunk hey? It makes me SO MAD. But I know their dad wouldn't want us walking around in bitterness. My heart breaks for them.
